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Ryan Schaitkin

Joined: 11/10/2019 Posts: 108
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Speak of the devil

Pitt is on a 10-0 run and Clemson has called a timeout with 8:51 to go. Panthers down just 50-41, with a real shot if they can stay hot.

(In response to this post by Ryan Schaitkin)

Posted: 02/12/2020 at 10:30PM


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Current Thread:
Pitt vs. Clemson - Feb. 12, 2020 - 9PM - Live Game Thread -- Ryan Schaitkin 02/12/2020 8:56PM
  U16 media timeout in the first half -- Ryan Schaitkin 02/12/2020 9:14PM
  U12 media timeout in the first half -- Ryan Schaitkin 02/12/2020 9:22PM
  Clemson with a timeout, 4:46 to go in the first half -- Ryan Schaitkin 02/12/2020 9:37PM
  U4 media timeout in the first half -- Ryan Schaitkin 02/12/2020 9:40PM
  Halftime: Pitt trails 32-24 -- Ryan Schaitkin 02/12/2020 9:56PM
  Nearly halfway through the second half -- Ryan Schaitkin 02/12/2020 10:24PM
  Speak of the devil -- Ryan Schaitkin 02/12/2020 10:30PM
  U8 timeout -- Ryan Schaitkin 02/12/2020 10:34PM
  FINAL: Pitt loses 72-52 -- Ryan Schaitkin 02/12/2020 11:13PM

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