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Joined: 05/04/2012 Posts: 4
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Trying some of WaHoo Mojo, are ya?

For the few fans who are always over confident, it's a good thing they don't coach the team. I am sure the Tech and Pitt coaches know each other's weaknesses and strengths and simply relying on screen passes would be a recipe for failure. Hokies also know that our D front four overall this season has not been that strong. They are getting better though. Pitt is good and we know it. We will have to unleash everything in the arsenal this week and hope it works. Despite turning a bad start to the season around, we Hokies are still trying to figure out our team. We will have a better idea Saturday.

(In response to this post by hoo4ever71)

Posted: 11/21/2019 at 4:02PM


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Current Thread:
On va tech board -- hoo4ever71 11/21/2019 12:19PM
  We got by them. Now on to Hooville. -- likehokies 11/25/2019 1:28PM
  Well? ** -- adcenterhokie 11/23/2019 7:28PM
  LOL -- Riverguy 11/21/2019 8:03PM
  This is just sad -- hokieone 11/21/2019 4:15PM
  Trying some of WaHoo Mojo, are ya? -- likehokies 11/21/2019 4:02PM
  Its a sound strategy -- Rob Salerno  11/21/2019 3:55PM

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