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Ryan Schaitkin

Joined: 11/10/2019 Posts: 108
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Once again, a game has gotten away from Pitt late

This will be their seventh consecutive loss, as they trail GT 68-53 with 3:16 to go in the game. The ACC tournament starts on March 10, and they'll have a chance to win at least one more game before the 2019-20 season comes to a close.

(In response to this post by Ryan Schaitkin)

Posted: 03/04/2020 at 10:58PM


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Current Thread:
Pitt at Georgia Tech - March 4, 2020 - 9PM - Live Game Thread -- Ryan Schaitkin 03/04/2020 8:37PM
  U16 timeout in the second half -- Ryan Schaitkin 03/04/2020 10:23PM
  Once again, a game has gotten away from Pitt late -- Ryan Schaitkin 03/04/2020 10:58PM
  U4 Media Timeout -- Ryan Schaitkin 03/04/2020 9:46PM
  Halftime -- Ryan Schaitkin 03/04/2020 9:56PM

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