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Ryan Schaitkin

Joined: 11/10/2019 Posts: 108
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U16 media timeout in the second half

Pitt trails 38-31 with 15:57 to go. Panthers have basically gone with just a five man rotation today, as Toney (24 minutes), Champagnie (24), McGowens (23), Brown (20), and Johnson (15) have gotten the lion's share of minutes for Pitt today.

Johnson only sat as much as he did in the first half because he got into early foul trouble. Murphy leads bench players with seven minutes, and nobody else has more than three. Really shows you the state of Capel's confidence in his depth, especially with Eric Hamilton still on the shelf with an ankle injury.

(In response to this post by Ryan Schaitkin)

Posted: 02/22/2020 at 1:15PM


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Current Thread:
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